Canon 7d firmware 2.03
Canon 7d firmware 2.03

canon 7d firmware 2.03

Thanks fella! Currently I can't post any because my camera is at the local repair shop and will be in queue for 3 weeks. Thanks for the help as always, however those issues written there seems not like mine, those are made out of noise I guess and mine is presenting always, no matter shadiw areas or bright areas, it's like adding a pattern of lines in photoshop with low opacity hah. I'm writing here in hope to get some help from people who had same issue or who thinks they know what it could be, so I could warn the repair-guy on what might be possibly solution.

canon 7d firmware 2.03

Thanks for the adjusted picture, I think it is even better seen now, also You took up the dusts, so thanks for that too! And before I fixed it I was getting those 'lines' only at high F numbers, on F 2.8 or something there was none, after the issue re-appeared I'm getting same lines at no matter what F number I'm shooting, and this is even more weird. Yes I'm 200% sure the issue was gone for one day, I took pictures of sky ant white boards as well, to make sure it was true, I was very happy that I fixed it, but not for long. Thanks! Also yeah I know I need a clean hehe, however I took it today to a local photography gear repair service, they said first they look for this problem and if they can fix it only then they would clean the sensor, otherwise it's pointless to clean if I won't be able to get this camera fixed.

Canon 7d firmware 2.03